Contact Us

Education Contact Form

We will use this email address to further contact you about your booking
I am interested in:

Are you interested in StarDome - a portable Planetarium? Or Video Conferencing?

School address
Please ensure you enter the address of the School that will be visiting
Telephone number
Please enter an office hours contact number
Year group
Nursery and Reception: 1 free supervisor for every 3 children. Years 1 to 4: 1 free supervisor for every 5 children. Years 5+: 1 free supervisor for every 10 children.
Please select three dates of availability
Group numbers
Arrival and departure times
Gift Shop
Our shop packs cost £3.00 and include a pen, pencil and a 2-in-1 UFO eraser and sharpener - which is only available as part of the pack. Terms and Conditions apply

Would you like to add any enhancements to your visit?
Please be advised they do come at additional, varying, costs. More information will be given in further communications, and you can opt out of adding enhancements prior to confirming your booking.

Enhancing your visit
Are you interested in enhancing your visit with any of the following?

Additional SEND or other requirements
Additional comments
Would you like to be added to our mailing list?