Side on view of planetarium seating, with the screen brightly lit up.

Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium

As part of your ticket price to the National Space Centre you will be allocated a time slot in our fantastic full-dome 360-degree planetarium.
Learn what it is like to go into Space in our exciting Astronaut animated film, or you can upgrade to one of our presenter led shows, all of which are based around curriculumĀ topics.
Please note: All visits include our standard planetarium show, Astronaut. You may upgrade this show to a presenter-led planetarium show (subject to availability, in relation to prior bookings affecting staff and planetarium availability).
  1. Astronaut Promotional Image
    National Space Centre

    Astronaut (Suitable for all year groups)

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  2. Cartoon Sun smiling, with the text 'Night and Day' above. A film reel on the right shows a cartoon Earth and Moon with faces.

    Night and Day (Suitable for years 1-3)

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  3. Planetarium seating is seen at the bottom of the image. The planetarium screen displays an image of the milky way galaxy as visible from Earth.

    Tour of the Night Sky (Suitable for year 4+)

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  4. Point of view from a planet's rocky surface. Two other celestial bodies are among stars in the night sky.

    Journey through the Solar System (Suitable for year 4+)

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  5. The solar system's Planets and the sun, with the planets aligned and the sun on the far left. The planets' orbit paths are show by translucent grey lines.

    The Planets (Suitable for years 1-4)

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