Education Presenter interacting with Primary School Children who are sat at a table completing a craft activity.


The National Space Centre Education department offers a range of free downloadable resources which are listed below.
Risk assessments related to specific activities or covering other topics are available upon request. Please email [email protected] for more information.

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  1. The Soyuz Module on display at the National Space Centre, seen side on with the café seating seen just behind.
    • Risk assessments

    General Visit Risk Assessment

    Risk Assessment to be completed for group visits to The Space Centre

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  2. The Soyuz Module on display at the National Space Centre, seen side on with the café seating seen just behind.
    • Risk assessments

    StarDome Risk Assessment

    Risk Assessment to be completed when visiting the StarDome

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  3. The Soyuz Module on display at the National Space Centre, seen side on with the café seating seen just behind.
    • Forms

    Provider Form - Generic

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